©️ Rachel Hadiashar

I incorporate styles of the Black diaspora like jazz, gospel, and rhythm and blues into my music. I’m a product of all those things, just as much as I am a product of Beethoven.
— Damien Geter

Click links below to listen to audio and learn more about Damien’s work.

To purchase music, please contact Josh DeVries at Just A Theory Press: josh@justatheorypress.com



THE TALK: Instructions for Black Children When They Interact with the Police for SATB Divisi, A Cappella, 8’
Commissioned by Resonance Ensemble

Gentle Lady, Do Not Sing for SATB and English Horn, 3'50''
Commissioned by The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin

1619 - a song cycle for SATB, choir, piano, percussion, and narrator, 15'30''

Cantata for a More Hopeful Tomorrow for Vocal Soloist, Chamber singers, SATB Chorus, and cello, 25'
Commissioned by The Washington Chorus

After Time has Gnawed Away the Shield of Dreams for SATB Choir, piano, and flute, 8'44''
Commissioned by Resonance Ensemble

The Gift to Sing for SATB Choir, 4'
Commissioned by Trinity Episcopal, Porland, OR

The Path for Soprano and Baritone Soloists, SATB Chorus, piano
Libretto by Jerre Dye, 20'
Commissioned by Seattle Opera and the US Army Field Band

Weave In My Hardy Life for SATB (a capella), 4'40''
Text by Walt Whitman
Commissioned by Emmanuel Church, Boston

The Christmas Pieces, 9'
Set includes: The Sacrament of Christmas; The Work of Christmas; This is Christmas
Text by Howard Thurman (used with permission)
Commissioned by the Nathaniel Dett Chorale, Toronto, Canada


Chiaroscuro - timp. Strings, 2'
Commissioned by the Chicago Symphony

An African American Requiem for Orchestra (, Perc/Str), SATB Choir, SATB Quartet, 80'
Commissioned by Resonance Ensemble

The Justice Symphony for Soloists, SATB Chorus, Orchestra ( Perc/Str), 25'
Commissioned by The University of Michigan and The Washington Chorus

Sinfonia Americana - 2+picc.2+EH.2 +Bcl. 2+contrabassn.4.3.2+bass tbn.1/Timp.2Perc./Str, 15'
Commissioned by and premiered with the Richmond Symphony

Prelude and Fugue (and Riffs, too) - 2(doubles picc).1 + EH. tbn.1.Timp.4perc.strings, 9'30''
Transcription and expansion of Bach’s Prelude and Fugue No. 2 in C minor from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1


String Quartet No. 1, Neo-Soul for String Quartet, 17'30''
Commissioned by All Classical Portland

Buh-roke for String Orchestra and Harpsichord, 6'

I Said What I Said for Woodwind Quintet, 8'5''
Written for Imani Winds and commissioned by Anima Mundi Productions, the Oregon Bach Festival, and Chamber Music Northwest

Groove Etude in Rondo Form for Viola and Harpsichord, 6'30''
Commissioned by Bryon Schenkman & Friends

String Quartet, No. 2 for String Quartet
Coming soon


Visions of a Fever Dream for Tenor, strings, harp, 15'
Commissioned by Russell Thomas

Invisible for Baritone, piano, and muted trumpet or clarinet
Based on the opening prologue of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

Immortal Dove for Baritone and piano
Based on the hymn “Descend from Heaven Immortal Dove”
Commissioned by On Site Opera

Give Me Jesus for High/medium Voice and piano

The Bronze Legacy for Low/medium voice, flute, piano, contrabass, and percussion
Commissioned by The Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Cotton - a song cycle for Mezzo-soprano, Baritone, and Piano, 50'
Commissioned by Lyric Fest

Amanirenas for Soprano Voice and Piano
Text by Lorene Cary
Part of the African Queens song cycle by the Blacknificent 7. Amanirenas, the one-eyed queen of Kush, warns her daughter about warriorship


American Apollo - a chamber opera, 20'
Commissioned by Washington National Opera

American Apollo - full orchestrated version, 2 hours 15'
Commissioned by Des Moines Metro Opera

Loving v. Virginia - premiering Spring 2025, 2 hours
Librettist - Jessica Murphy Moo
Commissioned by Virginia Opera and The Richmond Symphony

Delta King’s Blues - premiering Fall 2025, 45’
Librettist - Jarrod Lee
Commissioned by INSeries
Chamber opera based on the tale of Blues guitarist Robert Johnson’s encounter with the devil at the Crossroads

Jubilee - coming 2026
Librettist - Lorene Cary
Commissioned by Portland Opera


Elegy (For the Mysterious Starling) for Tenor or Soprano and Organ
Commissioned by The American Guild of Organists


Purchase Damien’s Music

To purchase music, please contact Josh DeVries at Just A Theory Press: josh@justatheorypress.com